Islington South & Finsbury Labour Islington South and Finsbury CLP website
The following resolution was passed at the CLP General Meeting on 17 April 2019
The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warns that we have 12 years to limit global temperature rise to 1.5ºC. Failure to cut greenhouse gas emissions will result in disastrous environmental changes, flooding, increasing extreme weather events, crop failures and species extinction, resulting in global economic disruption and humanitarian crises. Future generations will judge us on our actions to avert this. We support the actions of young people following the recent school & college walk-outs.
Islington has major environmental problems: major traffic routes and congestion reduce air quality; limited green spaces and a high proportion of energy inefficient buildings, resulting in fuel poverty. Decarbonisation by 2025 would, improve resident’s well-being and reduce inequality. Islington Council has committed to decarbonising its pension fund, implementing a car-free development policy and funding district heat networks and energy from waste production.
Across the UK, 27 city, town and county councils have declared a Climate Emergency, including the GLA and Lambeth.
We call on Islington Labour Group to urge Islington Council forthwith to:
1. Declare a Climate Emergency;
2. Ensure all current and future policies are consistent with averting further climate change and ecological collapse;
3. Enact policy measures to reduce carbon emissions in the borough to net zero by 2025 and to reduce production and consumption levels;
4. Work with the GLA, national government and other boroughs/bodies to obtain resources for the measures required;
5. Implement a body to oversee changes and report to the Council within 6 months, and thereafter at half yearly intervals.